Health and Safety / Welfare
British Rowing is our governing body, and we comply with their Safeguarding and Welfare policies to ensure that we are adhering to best practice.
Health and Safety
Stourport Boat Club has a zero tolerance for anyone being harmed as a result of our members’ participation in the sport.

- Believe that harm is not an inevitable consequence of our activities and that incidents that cause harm can be avoided.
- Will strive to provide an environment in which the sport can be practiced safely and enjoyably by our members.
- Will guide and lead our members in a way that fulfills these aims.
- Recognise that our members have primary responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.
The Club, through the Committee, will encourage safe practice having due regard for the guidance provided by British Rowing in RowSafe.
The Club has safety rules that it expects its members to respect; these can be found here.
Complying with these rules will help to prevent harm.
The Club is also committed to learn from the incidents it becomes aware of and will share this information to help others in the sport to learn too. We are committed to make appropriate use of British Rowing’s Incident Reporting System. Members are invited to refer any questions and concerns, relating to safety, to the Club’s Rowing Safety Officer.

Stourport Boat Club is committed to ensuring that our club is a safe and enjoyable environment for rowing.
Everyone has equal rights to safety and protection; we do not tolerate any form of abuse.
Detailed information and a full list of British Rowing Welfare Guidance Documents can be found here.
Useful contacts and information for young people regarding British Rowing can be found here.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
SBC Club Welfare Officer can be contacted at

Inclusion and Diversity
Stourport Boat Club is committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for all of our members, both adults and children. We aim to take a proactive approach to prevent bullying of anyone occurring and will respond to all concerns and disclosures of bullying.
For more information see our anti-bullying statement:
Stourport Boat Club Anti-Bullying Statement
Stourport Boat Club
The Boathouse, Riverside,
Dunley Road, Stourport-on-Severn,
Worcestershire DY13 0AA.